Monday, August 10, 2009

Now and Then: A Graduate Reflects

Each year the PVCC Educational Foundation selects key supporters of PVCC for statewide recognition. This year, Hantzmon Wiebel was selected. Al Layne, a graduate of PVCC and the McIntire School and a partner at Hantzmon Wiebel, looked back 25 years to reflect on how PVCC has impacted where he is today.

Al Layne (right) and another PVCC alumn Luckson Hove

Here’s what Al said:

25 years ago, I was an individual without a clear future. Today I am a partner at one of the largest CPA firms in the state of Virginia.

25 years ago I was dissatisfied with my job and did not see a bright future. I decided that I needed to “retool” and what better way to accomplish that than through education. So off I went to PVCC to test the waters and try a few college level classes to see if college was for me.

Since I had been out of high school for 10 years I had to take an exam to see if I was ready for college level courses. I was not. I had to take high school algebra and composition before enrolling in college level courses.

And some of the lessons I learned in that first composition class I took at PVCC, I still use today. That is a testament to the quality of the instruction provided by PVCC.

When I did eventually transfer from PVCC to UVA I was very well prepared by my teachers at PVCC for the rigors of the McIntire School of Commerce.

25 years ago, as a student I worked as a receptionist at PVCC. Today I serve on the PVCC Educational Foundation Board.

I was in the work study program when I attended PVCC. It gave me an opportunity to work between classes to help make ends meet while going to school.

I always felt that the faculty and the administrative staff were looking out for my best interest. They were genuinely interested in how I was progressing and trying to find out how they could help me attain my goals.

25 years ago I received a state farm scholarship while at PVCC. Today my firm Hantzmon Wiebel has established an Endowed Scholarship Fund at PVCC.

There I was at PVCC 25 years ago receiving a scholarship and here I am today with my firm with my partners providing one. Full circle.

I would not be where I am today without PVCC.

I would not have been able to attend UVA.

I would not be a partner at Hantzmon Wiebelwithout PVCC.

My story in not unique. There are many others here who have a similar story.

Thank you for listening to my PVCC story/reflections but now let’s look forward. With our continued support, we can ensure that Virginia’s community colleges continue to provide opportunities for individuals seeking a brighter future.

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